BLUNO Accessory shield Demo

DFRobot Feb 13 2014 4194
In this Article, you can use the BLUNO to connect with the mobile device and Accessory shield to show the demo.

Tools needed

Software Package On Github

Step by Step

1. If you stuck in any of the following process, Go Trouble Shooting section below
2. Install the Arduino IDE. (Arduino 1.0.x or Arduino 1.5.x)
3. Download and open the INO file with Arduino
4. Install the PlainProtocol (PlainProtocol Ver1.1 reference) , U8glib (U8glib reference) and BlunoAccessory Library. (Tutorial for installing library).
5. Select the "Arduino Uno" as the target board in menu->Tools->Board. 6. Upload the Sketch.

For Android
7. Install the BLUNO.apk into your Android phone.
8. Run the application, Click the scan button in the upper right(?), and select the BLUNO board to connect with         Fig5: Scanning the device                            Fig6: Select the device
  9. Once connected you can control the RGB LED, OLED, Relay, Buzzer and can get the temperature, humidity, and etc.             Fig7: Use the app                                           Fig8: Use the app   10. The top bar(?) shows the BLE connection state. You can touch it to call the scanning dialog for connecting other devices.

            Fig7: Use the app
7. Install the App here.
8. Run the application, and the App will connect the BLUNO automatically.
9. Once connected you can control the RGB LED, OLED, Relay, Buzzer and can get the temperature, humidity, and etc.
10. If something wrong with the bluetooth connection, try to restart the IOS device.  

Trouble Shooting

If there is any problem:
1. Check whether the on-board switch is in the correct mode.
2. Update the BLE firmware.
3. Restore the Setting through AT command (AT+SETTING=DEFAULT). Tutorial to Configure the BLE through AT command.
4. Disconnect the bluetooth before uploading the Sketch.
5. Read the Bluno wiki page or Bluno FAQ.
6. Unplug and Replug the power supply
7. If all above cannot solve your problem, welcome to talk on www.dfrobot.com/forum/


Accessory shield Demo for BLUNO

All in one Package  On Github




Wiki Doc
