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DFRobot Sep 12 2016 2575

Here comes the end of the summer vocation; it is time to replenish your equipment for MAKING! 

To make a gift for her, you may need LEDs.

Do you want to MAKE ROBOTS? There is the largest selection of robotic products from beginners to professionals!

         A Mobile Robot Platform Kit with Omni Wheels   

      Devastator Tank Mobile Robot Platform (Metal DC Gear Motor)

Find more platforms HERE.

Looking for microcontrollers for your robots? The Romeo Series are all-in-one Arduino-compatible microcontrollers specially designed for robotic applications.

    Romeo BLE - Arduino Robot Board with motor driver and Bluetooth 4.0

We also offer you the sensor kit comes with bundle of the most popular DFRobot sensors such as light, gas, sound, touch, accelerometer and lots more which gives unlimited possibility to sense the physical world on your embedded devices. 

                 Gravity: 27 Pcs Sensor Kit for Arduino

If these are not enough for you. Don't worry. There are hundreds of sensors to meet your needs! 

Need some consumables like cables, tools, breadboards?

            Breadboard Jumper Cables High Quality (30 Pack)

 You would never regret take high quality products home!

For electronic beginners, we would suggest you to look through our best-selling Arduino kits(detailed tutorials included)! 


            Beginner Kit for Arduino (Best Starter Kit)         

            Gravity: Starter Kit for Genuino / Arduino 101 with Tutorials

                                    Gravity Starter Kit for Arduino                                                                                                   

 Starting from basic LED control to more advanced environmental sensing, monitoring and actuators. This kit will guide you  through the world of the sensing, controlling the physical world through sensors and microcontroller via carefully designed project. 
