//project 8 – Vibration sensor
int SensorLED = 13; //define LED digital pin 13
int SensorINPUT = 3; // connect tilt sensor to interrupt 1 in
// digital pin 3
unsigned char state = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(SensorLED, OUTPUT); //configure LED as output mode
pinMode(SensorINPUT, INPUT); //configure tilt sensor as input mode
//when low voltage changes to high voltage, it triggers interrupt 1 and runs
//the blink function
attachInterrupt(1, blink, RISING);
void loop(){
if(state!=0){ // if state is not 0
state = 0; // assign state value 0
digitalWrite(SensorLED,HIGH); // turn on LED
delay(500); // delay for 500ms
digitalWrite(SensorLED,LOW); // if not, turn off LED
void blink(){ // interrupt function blink()
state++; //once trigger the interrupt, the state
} //keeps increment