PROJECTS Halloween

The Ultimate Halloween Project Ideas

DFRobot Oct 25 2018 3368

The Ultimate Halloween Project Ideas

Every end of October, we all expect “Trick or Treat”, “Costume party”, and “Home decoration with pumpkins”. Guess what? Halloween is co,wait for it, mming!
What are you planning to do this year? Haven’t you chosen any dress yet? Or Are you still not sure on your own plan? It’s one of the most exciting,but, maybe the most not-welcoming event for someone who haven’t thought about it well.
So, for those who deadly need kick-ass solution, we prepared “The ultimate Halloween project ideas”!

Let’s get it (yay!)

Halloween Projects made together with Kids

1. Quick Halloween gadgets made with kids

2. Halloween pumpkin lamp made by micro:bit

3. One hit to a colorworld, a colorful grapefruit made use of micro:bit

Costume Idea

1. Programmable Fiber Optic Fairy Wings

2. LALA LAND(Make a Shiny Dress)

Home Decoration

1. Terrifying hallween gadget

2. Arduino Auto Piano Project

Lighting Idea

1. Mini disco ball

2. Mushroom Lamp

You’ve missed this year’s event, but anticipate Next year’s?
Make your own DIY Costume with DFRobot(

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