How To Use The Cherokey Robot Kit To Make A Voice Controlled Arduino Robot

DFRobot Mar 21 2016 1161


Do you want to make a robot? In this tutorial, you'll be taught to use the Cherokey robot kit to make a voice-controlled Arduino robot step by step! 


Part 1: Making A Platform


The platform I used to build this robot was the robot kit - Cherokey: A 4WD Arduino Basic Robot Building KitThe robot platform is a versatile mobile robot jeep compatible with the most popular microcontrollers like arduino Unoarduino Mega 2560Romeo...etc..
The first step was to get the robot to move – this was the easy part.
The great thing about this robot kit is that it includes everything you need to get it moving – it has its own set of motors and motor drivers and a Romeo V2 microcontroller, so all you need to do is add extra modules to make it do what you want it to do.

To put the robot platform together you will need to solder some wires to each motor and then wire them in to the screw terminals on the motor driver board (M1, M2, M3 and M4). In order to connect the microcontroller to the robot kit, you need to connect D4, D5, D6, D7 pins on the Cherokey platform to pins 4, 5, 6, 7 on the microcontroller with jumper wires (or you can solder them if you prefer for a permanent solution). You are now ready to program the microcontroller to get it moving! There is a sample code included on the DFRobot Wiki page, which can be found here.In the sample code there are four basic functions controlled by key inputs in the serial monitor. Press “w” to go forward, press “a” to turn left, press “d” to turn right, press “x” to stop and press “z” to print “hello” in the serial monitor. This is a good test to see if the platform works as you need it to, and all the motor directions are correct. If you have problems with a motor’s direction, you can try changing the direction pins to either HIGH or LOW in the code, or for a low-tech solution you can simply reverse the polarity of the wiring in the motor binding posts on the Cherokey platform.

The code I used is as follows:




int E1 = 5;     //M1 Speed Control int E2 = 6;     //M2 Speed Control int M1 = 4;     //M1 Direction Control int M2 = 7;     //M1 Direction Control void stop(void)                    //Stop { digitalWrite(E1,0); digitalWrite(M1,LOW);     digitalWrite(E2,0);   digitalWrite(M2,LOW);     }   void advance(char a,char b)          //Move forward { analogWrite (E1,a);      //PWM Speed Control digitalWrite(M1,HIGH);     analogWrite (E2,b);     digitalWrite(M2,HIGH); }   void back_off (char a,char b)          //Move backward { analogWrite (E1,a); digitalWrite(M1,LOW);   analogWrite (E2,b);     digitalWrite(M2,LOW); } void turn_L (char a,char b)             //Turn Left { analogWrite (E1,a); digitalWrite(M1,LOW);     analogWrite (E2,b);     digitalWrite(M2,HIGH); } void turn_R (char a,char b)             //Turn Right { analogWrite (E1,a); digitalWrite(M1,HIGH);     analogWrite (E2,b);     digitalWrite(M2,LOW); } void setup(void) { int i; for(i=4;i<=7;i++) pinMode(i, OUTPUT);   Serial.begin(19200);      //Set Baud Rate Serial.println("Run keyboard control"); digitalWrite(E1,LOW);   digitalWrite(E2,LOW); } void loop(void) { if(Serial.available()){ char val = Serial.read(); if(val != -1) { switch(val) { case 'w'://Move Forward advance (255,255);   //move forward in max speed break; case 's'://Move Backward back_off (255,255);   //move back in max speed break; case 'a'://Turn Left turn_L (100,100);         break;       case 'd'://Turn Right turn_R (100,100); break; case 'z': Serial.println("Hello"); break; case 'x': stop(); break; } } else stop();   } } Part 2: Adding Voice Control

I used a DFRobot Voice recognition board for this. The SKU is DFR0177, but it is only available in China right now!

Unfortunately when trying to add voice control functionality, I experienced problems. After getting in touch with one of the engineers at DFRobot, they told me that the Romeo V2 board was based on an ATmega32u4 chip, which would not support my voice recognition module. This was irritating, but I didn’t let that stop me. I swapped my Romeo V2 board for a DFRduino UNO R3 and then tried again.

Here is a code I used:

#include <Voice.h> #define SUM 2 //variable no greater than 50 uint8  nAsrStatus=0; char sRecog[SUM][80] = {"turn on lights", "turn off lights"};//variable not greater than 79, user can modify int state=7;  //status indicator int led=8;    //control digital port void finally (unsigned char n) { switch(n)  //array corresponding keyword serial number, such as arrays recognise the first keyword is “turn on lights” and corresponding sequence number is 0;        {        case 0:                Serial.println( "turn on lights");              Serial.println( " ");              digitalWrite(led,LOW);                break;        case 1:                Serial.println( "turn off lights");              digitalWrite(led,HIGH);                break;        default:                Serial.println( "error");                Serial.println( " ");                break;                } } void ExtInt0Handler () {  Voice.ProcessInt0();        //send an interrupt signal                               } void setup() {  Serial.begin(9600);  Voice.Initialise(MIC,VoiceRecognitionV1);//Initialise mode MIC or MONO,default is MIC                                           //VoiceRecognitionV1 is VoiceRecognitionV1.0 shield                                           //VoiceRecognitionV2 is VoiceRecognitionV2.1 module  attachInterrupt(0,ExtInt0Handler,LOW);  pinMode(led,OUTPUT);  pinMode(state,OUTPUT);  digitalWrite(state,HIGH);  digitalWrite(led,HIGH); } void loop() {          uint8 nAsrRes;        nAsrStatus = LD_ASR_NONE;        while(1)        {                switch(nAsrStatus)                {                        case LD_ASR_RUNING:                        case LD_ASR_ERROR:                                                break;                        case LD_ASR_NONE:                        {                                nAsrStatus=LD_ASR_RUNING;                            if (Voice.RunASR(SUM,80,sRecog)==0)  //incorrect identification                                {                                              nAsrStatus= LD_ASR_ERROR;                                        Serial.println( "ASR_ERROR");                                }                              digitalWrite(state,LOW);                              Serial.println( "ASR_RUNING.....");                                break;                        }                        case LD_ASR_FOUNDOK:                        {                                digitalWrite(state,HIGH);                                nAsrRes =Voice. LD_GetResult();//once asr recognition process ends, pick up asr recognition results                                finally(nAsrRes);                                nAsrStatus = LD_ASR_NONE;                                break;                        }                        case LD_ASR_FOUNDZERO:                        default:                        {                                                                nAsrStatus = LD_ASR_NONE;                                break;                        }                 }// switch              delay(500);        }// while }

char sRecog[SUM][80] = {"turn on lights", " turn off lights"} can be used to give the vehicle voice control features. We can change this section to add the features we want, such as “go forward”, “go back”, “turn left”, “turn right”, “stop”, etc. We will also need to modify the “void finally()” function. In case 0, the first command is advance, so we can output “go forward” from “Serial.println()” and call to the function “advance” at the same time. When the voice recognition module detects the “advance” function, it will output go forward and the vehicle will move forward. The same applies for the other directions.

One of the limitations of this project is that the voice recognition module isn’t always accurate, because of different users’ voices, ambient noise and other factors. This will be improved in future examples.
The code is as follows:   



#include <Voice.h> //#include <SoftwareSerial.h>  //ruan chuankou #define SUM 5 //SUM????????,?????50? uint8  nAsrStatus=0; //SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX char sRecog[SUM][80] = {"qian jin", "hou tui","zuo zhuan", "you zhuan","ting zhi"};// int E1 = 5;     //M1 Speed Control int E2 = 6;     //M2 Speed Control int M1 = 4;     //M1 Direction Control int M2 = 7;     //M1 Direction Control void stop(void)                    //Stop {  digitalWrite(E1,0);    digitalWrite(E2,0);     }   void advance(char a,char b)          //Move forward {  analogWrite (E1,a);      //PWM Speed Control  digitalWrite(M1,HIGH);      analogWrite (E2,b);      digitalWrite(M2,HIGH); }   void back_off (char a,char b)          //Move backward {  analogWrite (E1,a);  digitalWrite(M1,LOW);    analogWrite (E2,b);      digitalWrite(M2,LOW); } void turn_L (char a,char b)             //Turn Left {  analogWrite (E1,a);  digitalWrite(M1,LOW);      analogWrite (E2,b);      digitalWrite(M2,HIGH); } void turn_R (char a,char b)             //Turn Right {  analogWrite (E1,a);  digitalWrite(M1,HIGH);      analogWrite (E2,b);      digitalWrite(M2,LOW); } void finally (unsigned char n) { switch(n)  //        {        case 0:                Serial.println( "qian jin");              Serial.println( " ");               advance (255,255);                  break;        case 1:                Serial.println( "hou tui");                back_off (255,255);                break;        case 2:                Serial.println( "zuo zhuan");                turn_L (100,100);                    break;        case 3:                Serial.println( "you zhuan");                turn_R (100,100);                    break;       case 4:                Serial.println( "ting zhi");                stop();                    break;        default:                Serial.println( "error");                Serial.println( " ");                break;                } } void ExtInt0Handler () {  Voice.ProcessInt0();        //                           } void setup(void) {  int i;  for(i=4;i<=7;i++)    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);    Serial.begin(19200);      //Set Baud Rate   Voice.Initialise(MIC,VoiceRecognitionV1);//Initialise mode MIC or MONO,default is MIC                                           //VoiceRecognitionV1 is VoiceRecognitionV1.0 shield                                           //VoiceRecognitionV2 is VoiceRecognitionV2.1 module  attachInterrupt(0,ExtInt0Handler,LOW); }   void loop() {          uint8 nAsrRes;        nAsrStatus = LD_ASR_NONE;        while(1)        {                switch(nAsrStatus)                {                        case LD_ASR_RUNING:                        case LD_ASR_ERROR:                                                break;                        case LD_ASR_NONE:                        {                                nAsrStatus=LD_ASR_RUNING;                            if (Voice.RunASR(SUM,80,sRecog)==0)  //?????                                {                                              nAsrStatus= LD_ASR_ERROR;                                        Serial.println( "ASR_ERROR");                                }                              Serial.println( "ASR_RUNING.....");                                break;                        }                        case LD_ASR_FOUNDOK:                        {                                nAsrRes =Voice. LD_GetResult();//                                finally(nAsrRes);                                nAsrStatus = LD_ASR_NONE;                                break;                        }                        case LD_ASR_FOUNDZERO:                        default:                        {                                                                nAsrStatus = LD_ASR_NONE;                                break;                        }                 }// switch              delay(500);        }// while }Realize the function
Download the program on the board card to conduct test. When we say “advance”, the vehicle will call “advance”()function, then moves forward. It is the same with other movements. When it is working satisfactorily, we can unplug the USB cable and install a lithium battery so that the vehicle is more mobile.
Part 3: Combine voice recognition with MP3 module
 Even with successful voice control, it seems like something is missing. What if the vehicle can respond to us? By adding an mp3 module to the setup, this will be possible. I used an mp3 player module – the DFRDuino player module.

One thing worth noticing is that you’d better put on a tape on the back of the module to prevent short circuit while using it. As for the wiring, mp3 module has a serial pin port, providing five pins including 5V, GND, RX, TX, OUT.
Wire the pins except for OUT to the mp3 wiring port of voice recognition module as follows:
5V corresponds to 5V. GND corresponds to GND. RX should be connected with TX and TX should be connected with RX as shown below:
We add a small speaker here.


Step 2: Programming

We need to program it after finishing the wiring. MP3’s player code will be added based on previous program. Audio files are stored on a micro SD card, you can use any that you want to correspond to each response. Perhaps you could record your own responses so that it sounds like you can chat with the Arduino robot). Please be noted that we are using serial port communication, so the button on the voice recognition module should point to UART instead of 12C.
The code I used is as follows:

void finally (unsigned char n) { switch(n)  //n??????????????????sRecog?????????“kai deng”????????0?        {        case 0:                Serial.println( "qian jin");               Serial.println("\qian");                advance (255,255);                  break;        case 1:                Serial.println( "hou tui");                Serial.println("\hou");                back_off (255,255);                break;        case 2:                Serial.println( "zuo zhuan");                Serial.println("\zuo");                turn_L (100,100);                    break;        case 3:                Serial.println( "you zhuan");                Serial.println("\you");                turn_R (100,100);                    break;       case 4:                Serial.println( "ting zhi");                Serial.println("\zhi");                stop();                    break;       case 5:                Serial.println( "chang ge");                Serial.println("\bo");                  Serial.println("\2");                  break;       case 6:                Serial.println( "zan ting bo");                Serial.println("\:p");                  break;       case 7:                Serial.println( "ji xu bo");                Serial.println("\:s");                    break;       case 8:                Serial.println( "xia yi shou");                Serial.println("\:n");                    break;       case 9:                Serial.println( "shang yi shou");                Serial.println("\:u");                    break;        default:                Serial.println( "error");                Serial.println( " ");                break;                } }

Step 3: Realize the function 

I would like to explain the key codes listed above. Adding Serial.println("\qian") to case 0 is to have MP3 play an audio named?qian? in SD card. Similarly, adding Serial.println("\hou") to case 1 is to have MP3 play an audio named?hou?. Serial.println("\:p") means “stop” and Serial.println("\:s") means “continue”. Serial.println("\:n") signifies playing next one. Detailed introduction of these orders is available in online store. Download the program then you can control this vehicle with voice in a comprehensive manner. When we send out the order of “advance”, mp3 will play “execute the order of advance”. It is the same with other orders. One thing worth noticing is that we add the function of “playing music” for this vehicle and it can recognize several orders such as “play”, “pause”, “continue”, previous one” and “next one”. 
Download the Code
Now, do you know how to build your own robot?