PROJECTS ArduinoRobotics

Arduino-controlled Explorer Robot Rover

DFRobot Apr 21 2014 871

This project came from Hitoshih, who is an active member of world’s biggest online community of robotics – Letsmakerobots. He built a Explorer Robot Rover based on our tank platform and controlled by an Arduino Uno.

Despite the fact this is his very first project, it’s a very inspiring one! Here’s the main idea of his robot project:

“ This is my first project, a explorer rover with robotic claw controlled at distance by radio control. I am calling Acerola01 because of the typical fruit from Brazil.

The objective this project is to learn and know the various devices and actuators that make up a robotic vehicle, such as Arduino board, software/sketch, interface boards, motor drives, motors, radio control, cameras, servos, etc, although this project is not to be called "a robot", because the software does not have decision process or autonomous navigation systems (not yet). After additional research and a lot of navigation by the LMR site, I found it fun to learn building a robotic vehicle.

Because of incidents in Brazil, I also saw possibilities very useful to use robotic vehicles to aid in rescue missions. I decided to build some models and make "proof of concept" for the various modules that I thought to implement. From this point, I concluded to build my first model based on the Arduino board and a simple but robust platform that was the Dagu Rover 5 in its simplest version, 2 motors without encoders.”

The main features and functionality for first version (Acerola01):

1. Platform simple and robust, primarily for indoor use: I enjoyed the Dagu Rover 5 platform, though other good options available. I have found a cheapest model at HobbyKing and it was important to my decision. :-)

2. Electronic control boards: I chose the Arduino board as the main control board. After some research, I concluded as good choice for motors control board to DFRobotics Motor Shields 2A.

3. Remote control simple and cheap: I chose a simple and inexpensive model radio control HobbyKing 6 channel, the HK-T6A V2.

4. Devices interact with the environment: Since the goal is an explorer rover, I installed a camera FPV for recognizing environments and control navigation. The system for transmitting and receiving video and audio signals used was Boscam 5.8GHz 200mW FPV Wireless. As additional, I put a robotic claw to perform missions and interact with the environment.

5. Power system: I googled about LiPo batteries, but I decided to use this first project, the simple and usual rechargeable NiMH batteries. But I'm programming an update of my energy system, changing to LiPo batteries and evaluate improvements in performance and uptime.
And if you want to read about the experience of Hitoshih making his very first robot, follow this link.